This is a page for transport related business.

The ceremony is at Tamworth Castle and the reception is the Tudor Suite at The Castle Hotel.

As the two venues are adjacent to one another there is no need to worry about travelling between them.

As you may have guessed, the castle is the round structure in the middle of the picture. The reddish building west(ish) of it and half hidden by trees is the Castle Hotel. Photographs will be in the Castle grounds, weather permitting. The car park you can see by the river would be a convenient place to park but is likely to be full so I will try to find some alternatives.

Train travellers click here
Click here for parking information

I’m going to assume that anyone who plans to arrive by a method not covered by train or car pretty much knows what they’re doing and needs no advice from me, except perhaps a local taxi number or two:
Bennett’s have some larger taxis so if you are in a group try them on 01827 54444. An alternative is 3B’s on 01827 63636.

If you are travelling with the aid of the sat nav we have been advised that in addition to the post code (B79 7NB) you may need to advise your sat nav that you are travelling to Silver Street or you may end up with the pedestrian areas obstructing your progress!